March 2011 -

Run Google Android on Your Computer Using VirtualBox

If you did not already know it, you can run Android on your PC. Phone OS developer companies usually provide emulation programs that will let you run their operating systems on your PC. I was once involved in a project where the client wanted the company phones to interact with certain applications. The company had […]

Enable USB Support in VirtualBox Installing the Extension Pack

If you are getting the “This device cannot start. (Code 10)” error whenever you plug a USB flash drive on your VirtualBox Windows virtual machine, you most likely need to install the “VirtualBox Extension Pack“. VirtualBox USB support is essential and is is unfortunate that is not installed by default, however, this is the reality. The […]

Add a New User to a Windows Domain Using Exchange 2007, 2010

If you have an Exchange server and wish to create a new domain user account, the best way to accomplish it would be using Microsoft Exchange Server. Many IT professionals tend to create a domain account first, then go to the exchange server to create a mailbox for the new user; this is totally unnecessary. […]

Creating a Bootable Ubuntu USB Flash Drive From Windows

Ubuntu and other Linux distributions have proven to be really useful when Windows stops working. Versatility, portability and speed are among the many advantages of having a bootable OS in a USB flash drive. These installations can help fix problems in Windows operating systems, such as viruses, errors in the registry, etc. They can also […]

What’s New in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal

Ubuntu is about to release its stable version of 11.04 Natty Narwhal. It is interesting to see how many of the expected features will not be included. Some of these new features seem to have now been postponed for the next release cycle due to delays, security concerns, etc. In this article we will have […]

How to Create an ISO Image (for Free!)

ISO images are great when you want to backup your programs, just in case something happens to your precious delicate CDs. They are also handy when cloning CDs or DVDs. ISO is a standard format, not proprietary to any company or commercial entity. This means virtually all CD/DVD burning software can burn it. ISO images […]

What is the Best File Compression Format? – See Results!

Haven’t you ever wondered what the best file compression format is? Here at GeekyProjects we try to answer this question. We have performed a test of three popular compression formats; 7zip, Rar and Zipx. The test is not overly scientific or comprehensive, but it shows clear differences among these popular formats. Winrar and Winzip were […]

How to Recover Your Files When Windows Won’t Boot

This is the scenario: You turn your computer on one day, Windows starts booting and after a while you get a blue screen of death, or you get a message telling you that Windows won’t boot because a certain file is missing. What do you do now? The logical solution will be to take the […]

Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions in a Windows 7 VM

VirtualBox Virtual Machines give users the ability to run operating systems virtually. This gives us the advantage of being able to run a different operating system than the one installed on the host computer.  As a result, some incompatibilities may arise; this is where Guest Additions come in. Guest Additions, make everything run smoothly. They […]

Slipstream Windows XP CD to Add SP3

Wouldn’t it be neat if you could transform your old Windows XP SP1 installation CD into the latest Windows XP XP3?. Downloading and installing SP3 usually takes more than an hour and if you are in a hurry to get your computer up  and running, or in a rush to return a computer to one […]

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