May 2011 -

How to Convert a VirtualBox VM into a VMware VM

Transferring a virtual machine from Virtualbox to VMware has become a relatively trivial task thanks to Virtualbox. I have always used Virtualbox at home and VMware’s ESXI at work, however, lately I decided to give VMware a try at home after running into a problem booting from a USB drive; problem I was not able […]

How to Enable Remote Desktop in Windows XP

Remote desktop is certainly a life saver when it comes to work productivity; it can save us lots of time, providing its configuration is done correctly. Depending on the situation, Windows Remote Desktop can go from easy to challenging. In this short tutorial I will show you how to enable remote desktop in Windows XP. […]

How to Create a VMware Virtual Machine

Creating a VMware virtual machine is pretty straight forward, however, there are aspects worth mentioning that might not be so evident like booting from your host computer’s CD-ROM drive. For this tutorial, we are going to be using VMware player to create and run our virtual machine. VMware Player is a free visualization software, which […]

How to Increase the Boot Delay in a VMware VM

Increasing the boot delay in VMware is imperative if you wish to boot from the host computer’s CD-ROM or have access to the BIOS. I never understood why WMware made it so difficult to access the virtual machine’s BIOS or select a different boot device. In order to do any of these tasks, you have […]

How to Vectorize an Image Using Free Software

Converting any image to vector graphics can be extremely useful; it is one of the few techniques that can actually enhance the quality of an image, making its edges perfectly smooth even when zoomed to infinity. This quality “enhancement”, however, does not come without its drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks include the loss of gradients, […]

How to Install Fonts in Ubuntu

Installing fonts in Ubuntu has certainly become a trivial task. In the past, installing fonts in Ubuntu was cumbersome, requiring you to follow a number of non-intuitive steps that only a true geek could remember. I certainly used to find myself searching on Google every time I would have to install a font in Ubuntu, […]
