Convert Office 2007 Documents to PDF -

Convert Office 2007 Documents to PDF

Unlike the new Office 2010 Suite, Office 2007 does not have the capability to convert and save its documents into PDF files natively. There is, however, the possibility of installing a plug-in provided by Microsoft for this purpose. For some reason, Microsoft did not include it with the 2007 Office package by default, however, it is available on the web as a free download. Sadly, Microsoft waited until the 2007 version to provide a plug-in and till the 2010 version to make it a permanent addition the their Office suite, even though third party software had been offering this capability many years before. Nonetheless, this is a much welcomed option, specially for those of us for whom saving in PDF format is imperative.


Converting from Word, Excel and Powerpoint to PDF

Download and install the PDF plug-in for Office 2007 made by Microsoft.

There is nothing in particular worth mentioning about the installation, just keep clicking next until you finish.

Once installed, open the Office document you wish to save and click on the Orb.

Click on “Save As“.

Now you have a new option for saving in PDF format. Click on “PDF“.

Navigate to the desired location where you wish to save your new PDF file and click on “Save“.

And that is all; you have converted your Office document to PDF without spending a dime.


Converting From Any Program to PDF (Optional)

It is rather convenient to have the possibility to convert your documents to PDF straight from Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. This option, however, is limited to the Office package and only converts files to PDF format. If you wish to be able to convert to PDF from any program and in many other formats, like BMP, PNG, JPED, SVG, etc. read my article:

Convert Any Document to PDF for Free

This option is specially useful for Office 2003 and older versions of Office.

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