Convert Office 2010 Documents to PDF -

Convert Office 2010 Documents to PDF

Continuing with our “converting to PDF” series, we are now going to take a look at Office 2010. With Office 2010 it is as easy as ever to convert your Word,  Excel, or Powerpoint files to PDF format. Microsoft has finally decided to include this option by default in the Office 2010 suite. In this short tutorial we will be covering how to save Word, Excel, Powerpoint and other Office program files to PDF in a few, very simple steps. In addition to PDF format, now you can save the in XPS format as well.  If you wish to save in formats other than PDF and XPF, read the last section of this article.


Converting from Word, Excel and Powerpoint to PDF

1) To save your file to PDF, click on the “File” tab.

2) Then click on “Share” or “Save and Send” (you can also click “Save As” and then select “PDF” format as the “File Type“, however, the aforementioned options will give you more control).

3) In the middle section, click on “Create PDF/XPS Document“.

4) In the last section to the right, click on “Create a PDF/XPS Document“.

Next, the “Publish as PDF or XPS” window will appear. At the bottom of the window you will have two options: Standard (Publishing Online and Printing) and Minimum Size (Publishing Online). These options relate to the file size; choose the one that works best for you. Bear in mind that if you choose “Minimum Size” the quality of the document will suffer.

Once you are done choosing the file size, click on “Save as type:“; select PDF and click on the “Publish” button.

Note: If you wish to save in XPS format all you have to do is change the “File Type” at the end, and then publish (or save) your file.


Converting From Any Program to PDF (Optional)

It is rather convenient to have the possibility to convert your documents to PDF straight from Word or any of the programs included in the Office suite. This option, however, is limited to the Office package and only converts files to PDF or XPS format. If you want to be able to convert to PDF from any program and in additional image formats, like BMP, PNG, JPEG, SVG, etc. read my article:

Convert Any Document to PDF for Free

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